Gemheaven Jewellery

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Winter Solstice: Let the Light Shine

For most of us, we feel the chill of Winter creep in around the end of October, when the clocks go back and the evenings start drawing in sooner. However, Winter doesn’t technically begin until the Winter Solstice – which this year falls on the 21st of December. But what is the Winter Solstice and what can we expect it to bring? 

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year – but don’t let that worry you because it also marks the turning point where the days start to get a little longer. After darkness, hope is born, a new chapter is started, and we begin embracing our future with the promise of longer hours of light.  

As a Witch, I celebrate all the Sabbats of the Wheel of The Year and with the Winter Solstice, we also welcome the turn to Yule which is observed on the same day. A lot of the festivities around this time draw in traditions from both the Winter Solstice as well as Yule and the whole season is marked with celebration, feasting, and joy. 

Yule is an important Sabbat as it marks the rebirth of the sun and has been celebrated by our ancestors for centuries.  

Traditions and Rituals 

This time of year is a truly magical time, rich in traditions and celebration. Traditionally, we celebrate with fire to symbolise the return of light and warmth. Consider ways to bring light into your home, such as: stocking your fire, surrounding your sacred spaces with candles, and adorning your rooms with fairy lights. If the weather is good, then you could even go outside and start a bonfire or burn a yule log (of the natural kind, not the kind you’ll find in a supermarket). 

You may also enjoy honouring the sun by observing the first sunrise or sunset after the Solstice as this is a potent time when the sun is believed to hold the most magic. 

In this festive season, we embrace our communities and open our arms to our loved ones. A meaningful way to approach this is to create a seasonal feast and sit down as a family to celebrate the food that we have been gifted by the seasonal harvest.  

Honouring Your Inner-Self 

Get ready for a journey into self-exploration as this time encourages us to rest, restore, and nurture our bodies. Prepare to discover the secrets of your inner self through self-reflection and future visioning. Set intentions and work with a journal to identify what it is that you want to take into 2025 and what you want to leave behind. 

A nice ritual is to write down the things that you want to leave behind and burn the paper to ashes under the Solstice moon.  

A Time for Gratitude 

Let me take a moment to reflect on the year and give my thanks to every one of you for standing by my small business. As you know, a lot of love and care goes into the creation of these pieces and it means the world to me to be able to continue doing the thing I love, sharing my magic with you all, and embracing my creativity in such a meaningful way. 

Wishing you a beautiful Winter Solstice and Yule - however you celebrate.  You’ll find me on the harbour watching the sunrise.