Yule: The Sabbat of Growth, Renewal, and Light 

With a flicker of light and the promise of longer days, the Winter Solstice has arrived! Join me in celebrating another turn of the Wheel of the Year, to one of my favourite Sabbats, Yule.

Storyteller Collection featuring Moon by Gemheaven Jewellery

Rich with traditions, the 12 days of Yule are the perfect opportunity to welcome nature and embrace the return of light. Fires, feasts, and songs are the love language of Yule. I can already feel the festive cheer begin to sink in as I think about my ancestors and honour the gifts and guidance I have received this year. 

Connect With Nature 

A lot of the traditions we have come to accept as Christmas are heavily influenced by traditional Yule celebrations. Through Yule, we are reminded of humankind's connection to nature’s cycle of death, rebirth, and renewal. 

As a Witch, I often connect with nature in my practice and Yule is a particularly significant time to do this.  

The Christmas Tree, as it has come to be named, is a throwback to the Yule Tree, which is a symbol of hope, healing, and eternal life.  

We forage sacred evergreens such as ivy, holly, and mistletoe to create garlands and wreaths to decorate our home and symbolise the rebirth and renewal which is heavily associated with Yule.  

Another way we use nature in our traditions is in the ancient custom of leaving offerings to our spirit guides, nature spirits, and Gods. These offerings act as a sign of gratitude and ensure our protection and good fortune to come.  

Solstice pendant by Gemheaven Jewellery

 Honouring the Sun 

As the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year, Yule celebrates the rebirth of the Sun and the return of light. We can honour the sun by observing the first sunrise or sunset after the Winter Solstice, a potent time when the sun is believed to be at its most magical.  

Yule celebrates the triumph of light over darkness making it a magical moment to reflect on our past and focus on the light which we wish to bring into the next chapter of our lives.  

Burn the Yule Log 

Among the most recognised traditions associated with Yule is the Yule Log. Symbolising the sun’s triumph over darkness, burning the log serves as a reminder of the sun's enduring strength. This tradition is believed to bring good luck, prosperity and protection into the home.  

Golden Healer Solstice Pendant

Yule Altar 

Creating a Yule altar is a beautiful way to honour the Winter Solstice and Yule.  You can create a sacred space in your home to give reverence, set intentions and honour loved ones.  

Here are some Yule-inspired necessities and tips for creating an altar in your home: 

Cleanse your space  
Start by cleansing your sacred space to remove any stagnant or negative energy. 
Red, Green, White and Gold 
The colours of Yule. Incorporate candles using festive colours to draw light into your space. 
Honour the Sun
Add elements of the sun through symbols and charms to represent the returning light. 
The Yule Log
Add a Yule Log or a piece of wood at the centre of your altar. 
Elements of nature such as Pine, Ivy, Holly or Fir. 
Warm-toned crystals such as Garnet or Ruby, Clear Quartz or Citrine for warmth and energy. 
Fruit or Nuts
Symbolising the Earth’s bounty and a good harvest. Food can also be seen as an offering. 
A Wreath
To symbolise nature’s cycle of life, death and renewal. The circular shape represents the circle of life. 
Coins or Seeds 
Representing abundance and good fortune to come. 

Out Of Office until January6th

Wishing you a happy Yule 

And just like the turning of a calendar, we enter a new season, a new chapter and a new opportunity for growth and renewal. So, without further ado, from mine to yours, I wish you all a happy yule and a prosperous new year filled with love and good fortune. Thank you all again for your support this year. I look forward to seeing what the new year brings.  


A Fresh Start Under the Full Wolf Moon 


Winter Solstice: Let the Light Shine