Imbolc – Entering the season of light and new beginnings

It feels like it’s been an especially long and cold Winter but there is a light, Imbolc. Marking the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, Imbolc stands as a celebration of light and new beginnings. Enter this season with renewed hope for growth and brighter days ahead as we celebrate the coming of spring, the Celtic Goddess Brigid and her triumph of light over darkness.  

Zodiac Bangle by Gem Heaven Jewellery

What is Imbolc? 

Imbolc (pronounced IM-bulk), is a Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year and is celebrated this year on the 1st of February. It is a beautiful and meaningful time when we start to notice the first signs of spring as the Earth begins to awaken from its winter slumber.  

Often associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, the goddess of spring, poetry, and healing - who represents light and the banishment of darkness – this is the perfect opportunity to clear away negative clutter and make space for new beginnings as we prepare for the season of growth. 

You may feel awakened and reborn during this time, feeling more inclined to trust your journey and embrace new ideas that have been simmering during your winter hibernation.  

As we plant seeds in our garden, we also plant seeds of intention within ourselves, watching as roots begin to grow, inspired by the returning light. 

Trio of Crystal Ball Pendants by Gem Heaven Jewellery

How to celebrate Imbol 

Imbolc is the celebration of returning light, and as such should be celebrated with light.  Traditionally, you would burn candles to honor Brigid and hang a Brigid cross within your home as a symbol of protection and good fortune.  

Other traditions include embracing the colours of Imbolc (red for passion, pink for love, and white for purity) within your Altar and including tokens of spring such as the first spring flowers or herbs from the garden. 

Imbolc is a good time to reflect on any lessons you have learned during the colder months and start to make plans for the brighter days ahead. Starting a new chapter in your journal and taking time to protect yourself, grow your inner wisdom, and set intentions for future growth, is what this season is for. 

Another very well-known tradition at this time of year is the annual spring clean, where we give our homes a deep clean, ridding our homes of any negative energy.  

Moon Earrings by Gem Heaven Jewellery

Creating an Imbolc Altar and other Rituals 

A new Sabbat is always the perfect time to give your altar a little revamp with renewed focus and energy. You can start by clearing your space and cleansing it, along with your crystals, to rid it of any old energies. Remember that during Imbolc, we celebrate the goddess Brigid and her association with fire as well as the awakening of the Earth so both the fire and earth elements should be prominent within your altar.  

For the fire element, think about lighting candles – this represents purity and the return of light while also honoring Brigid. For the earth element, you can incorporate fresh flowers or herbs – the first snowdrops for instance or cut some rosemary or lavender from the garden.  

The colours of Imbolc are pink, white, and red and can be incorporated through candles or flowers as well as through the crystals you select.   

Add a Brigid cross for protection and good fortune. Embracing all these traditional elements adds to the magic and energy of the Sabbat, giving your ritual more meaning and focus.  

Dip into the abundance of creative inspiration and set your intentions around fulfilling an ambition, use your sacred space to journal and plan your next steps.  

Moon Witch Pendant by Gem Heaven Jewellery

Crystals for Imbolc 

Some beautiful crystals to wear or use during this time include: 

Amethyst for clarity of mind, spiritual growth, and calming energies; 
Garnet for passion and fertility; 
Clear Quartz – to cleanse and purify your home, also use this crystal to intensify your intentions.  

Will you be celebrating Imbolc this year? Let me know your favourite
traditions below! 


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