As you may, or may not know I am following a new path, a calling, and with this path comes a lot of researching and reading. Some I am loving some are more of a struggle but I am learning and thats the main thing. Witchcraft has such a awful stigma with it, from centuries of persecution and tales of curses and devil worship, and yet its a practise of our ancestors, lovers of nature, animals, voices against injustice, I only feel love and harmony nothing evil or dark.
Its funny how sometimes things click into place - I’m in the middle of a new studio being built… I say in the middle its a slow process and my wonderful husband is building it himself so its definietly built with love. The base is down, and the wood has arrived - to say I am impatient is an understatement. I’m so excited to have my own space, and I although I do have a studio at the moment (the garage was converted in 2009) I also share it with the tumble drier and anything else that doesn’t have a home. I was reading “Wiccipedia” and it was talking about having an alter by your computer is great, higher vibrations and all and it cleared in my head my worries about where to place my candles and objects. My family are so supportive of my journey, I mean ok my husband often says when he sees me writing in my book of shadows or waving the Palo Santo around “ is this witchy stuff” but he knows this is me finding myself.
Does the word witch or witchcraft scare you ?